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Why we run campaigns 

From influencing change, raising awareness, and improving access to services, Brainkind campaigns to address the physical, cognitive, and emotional aspects of recovery brain injuries.

brain injury campaigning

Brain injury campaigning

At Brainkind, we see the incredible impact of neurorehabilitation every single day.

Our multidisciplinary approach addresses not only the physical, but also the cognitive and emotional aspects of recovery, empowering those living with an acquired brain injury to live, work and learn.

However, we know not everyone can access this kind of care.

Of the 1.3 million people living with an acquired brain injury (ABI), only 40% receive neurorehabilitation.

Life-changing services are underfunded and scarce, and many people are discharged from hospital into inappropriate, inadequate, or non-existent care.

In addition, many people and their families find themselves navigating a confusing web of disjointed services, with unclear care pathways and inconsistent provision across the country.

A wider lack of awareness about brain injury amongst the general public and healthcare professionals further complicates the picture, with many people unaware of the signs, symptoms, or how to seek help.

At Brainkind, we think that everyone with an brain injury, regardless of their circumstances, should have equal and easy access to the right services.

That is why we campaign for change.

Our campaigns seek to:

Increase Awareness. We strive to increase public understanding of acquired brain injuries, their causes, and their effects.

We hope to educate people about the risks and impact of acquired brain injury, empowering the public with the knowledge to recognise symptoms of an acquired brain injury and how to access appropriate care.

We also look to raise awareness amongst health and social care professionals.

We want everyone from GPs to probation staff, to consider acquired brain injury in their work, particularly with vulnerable people who may be more at risk.

Improve Access to Services. We advocate for access to comprehensive, integrated and high-quality support services for people and their families, no matter where they live.

By exploring the stories of people who use our services and our staff, we try to shine a light on the inequality of neurorehabilitation in the UK, draw out best practice examples, and push for positive change.

Amplify Voices. In all our campaign work, we try to give a meaningful voice to people with an acquired brain injury, and provide a platform for them and their support networks to share their experience.

Influence Policy. We work closely with policymakers, parliamentarians, and relevant government departments to champion policies that address the needs of those with an acquired brain injury.

We are a well established third sector stakeholder, and use our position to help create change at the highest level.

Our Campaigns

Find out more about our campaigns


When the UK government ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2009, it recognised the right for people to live as independently as possible and committed to providing services that achieve this.

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In 2021 and 2022, we ran our campaign ‘Through OUR Eyes’. The campaign sought to give everyone the chance to tell their own stories and change the narrative for people with complex and challenging disabilities.

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As part of UK Disability History Month (UKDHM) in 2017, we encouraged the people we support to join using the hashtag #SeeMeNotDisability. The theme of UKDHM was ‘language used to describe people with disabilities and the language people with disabilities use to describe themselves.’

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