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As part of UK Disability History Month (UKDHM) in 2017, we encouraged the people we support across our services to join using the hashtag #SeeMeNotDisability.

Brain injury and criminal justice system

#SeeMeNotDisability campaign

As part of UK Disability History Month (UKDHM) in 2017, we encouraged the people we support across our services to join using the hashtag #SeeMeNotDisability.

The theme of UKDHM was ‘language used to describe people with disabilities and the language people with disabilities use to describe themselves.’ To participate in this theme, we created a campaign that celebrates the people we support for everything they are – not just their disability.

We asked them to participate in the #SeeMeNotDisability campaign by telling us something about themselves to share with the public to demonstrate the meaning behind the hashtag.

We had a great response, with submissions ranging from beautiful artwork, to videos showing off musical talent.

As part of the campaign, we ran a #GetCraftyTwitter competition, encouraging people in our services to send us pictures of their craft projects.


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