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Brainkind vision and values

At Brainkind, we are committed to supporting people with brain injuries to thrive. Our multi-disciplinary teams work together, and in partnership with the people we support.

Our vision is a world where life after brain injury is a life well lived

Our Values

What are our values?

Everyone at Brainkind is different, but we all share these values. Because whatever role we are in, we share the same fearless commitment to those with a brain injury and their supporters.

  • We are Agile

    We are forward-thinking, responsive, resilient and flexible to ensure we continue to evolve and spot potential.

  • We are Resourceful

    We spend time and money wisely, empowering people to think differently whilst being practical and commercial.

  • We are Courageous

    We do the right thing, step up, try new things and are bold and aspirational through positive risk-taking.

  • We are Connected

    We collaborate, creating positive relationships, listening to and learning from others to keep our promises.

  • We have Heart

    We show dedication, passion, humility, and care to make a lasting, measurable difference.

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