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BMIPB: Memory and information processing battery for brain injury assessment

The Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust Memory and Information Processing Battery (BMIPB) is a collection of tests designed to measure the effects of damage to the brain on memory and other cognitive abilities.

The Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust Memory and Information Processing Battery (BMIPB)

A short history of the BMIPB

The BMIPB is a collection of tests used by Clinical Psychologists to measure the effects of damage to the brain on memory and other cognitive abilities. It is used in English-speaking countries worldwide and can inform clinicians’ planning of individual rehabilitation programmes and follow a person’s recovery. It is also helpful in diagnosing and monitoring conditions, such as dementia, to see how rapidly they are progressing and provide help and support accordingly.

The first edition of the BMIPB was developed in 2007 by Dr Michael Oddy in collaboration with Dr Tony Coughlan (the creator of the original version of the battery, known as the Adult Memory and Information Processing Battery, AMIPB) and Professor John Crawford, an expert in test construction from the University of Aberdeen.

The battery included seven sub-tests and was calibrated on 300 healthy British adults aged 16 to 89.


The BMIPB-II is now available

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Burgess Hill

West Sussex

RH15 9NP


Tel: 01444 239123

New features in the BMIPB-II

  • Improved psychometric properties

    • New norms on a larger sample
    • 18 – 89 years, with representative numbers in the older age groups (65-89)
    • New tests of picture naming and description naming
    • Co-norming of short and long-term memory with verbal fluency and naming
  • Expanded interpretation features

    • Plot word list and design learning curves.
    • Point percentile ranks are available for every possible score in all tests.
    • Age and education adjusted percentile ranks’ calculator.
    • Retest calculator measuring the distance between expected performance (based on first administration) and actual performance.
    • Improved Figure Recall scoring examples
  • Test features

    • Repeatable, with two equivalent forms
    • Coloured picture naming test and description naming items matched for syllable length and word frequency
    • A long-delay task to assess forgetting
    • Performance validity indicator (Reliable Digit Span)
    • Oral speed of information processing task
  • Administration features

    • Short administration time for ten sub-tests
    • Customised administration: percentile ranks available for individual sub-tests

BMIPB scoring tools

Click on the links below to download the scoring tools.

BMIPB-II scorer

BMIPB-II re-tester

To learn more about using these tools and interpreting the results, please consult the technical manual supplied with your BMIPB-II pack or email


Referencing the BMIPB

If you would like to cite the BMIPB or BMIPB-II in your work or publications, please use the following references:


In text: Oddy et al. (2019)

References: Oddy, M., Ramos, S. D. S., Crawford, J. R., & Coughlan, A. K. (2019). BIRT Memory and Information Processing Battery II (BMIPB-II) Manual. Brainkind.

BMIPB (2007)

In the text: Oddy et al. (2007)

References: Oddy, M., Coughlan, A. K., & Crawford, J. R. (2007). BIRT Memory and Information Processing Battery. Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust.

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