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Glasgow, Scotland

Graham Anderson House

Graham Anderson House is a state of the art, purpose-built neurological centre which offers neurorehabilitation in an outstanding setting. People enjoy access to a wide range of therapeutic and recreational facilities in beautifully landscaped grounds in the heart of Glasgow.

Brain injury rehabilitation in Glasgow

Brief overview

Specialism: Acquired brain injury rehabilitation service

  • Twenty-Four en-suite bedrooms plus a transitional living flat
  • Four en-suite bedrooms within Heather Bungalow (a step-down unit)
  • Two specialist-equipped rehabilitation skills kitchens
  • Two spacious and comfortable communal lounges
  • Indoor and outdoor gyms

About Graham Anderson House

Graham Anderson House is a specialist neuro-behavioural assessment and post-acute rehabilitation hospital for people with a non-progressive acquired brain injury (ABI).

The service has twenty-four single ensuite bedrooms, a transitional living flat and a four-bedroom step-down Heather Bungalow to further assess the people we supports level of independence.

The people we support initially come to us for a four week assessment period, followed by an eight week rehabilitation plan. Following these eight weeks the rehabilitation is continued based on the persons individualistic needs.

We support people with an acquired brain injury and complex needs such as cognitive, physical and/or emotional difficulties, including physical and verbal aggression, impaired social functioning, and disinhibited behaviour.


We have 24 ensuite bedrooms, the transitional flat and the four bedroom step-down Heather Bungalow each with courtyard or garden views, complemented by spacious communal areas for dining and relaxation. Individuals enjoy access to a wide range of therapeutic and recreational facilities.

Graham Anderson House is located in the heart of Glasgow with excellent links to the city centre, public transport and amenities.

Our rehabilitation models

Our specialist rehabilitation is based on a neuro-behavioural approach and focuses on enabling people to function more independently and develop their lives as they choose. The multi-disciplinary team has specialist assessment and therapy rooms to aid recovery.

Graham Anderson House’s highly skilled staff offer compassionate, specialised care, teaming up with fellow Brainkind staff to support the people we support emotionally and physically. The team includes two Consultant Clinical Psychologists, a Psychiatrist, GPs, Occupational Therapists, a Counsellor, Physiotherapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Team Leaders, Support Workers, Nurses and Therapy Assistants.

Graham Anderson House also has an experienced team of people supporting the day to day running of the service.

The programme may include:

  • Educational and therapeutic sessions
  • Support for personal, social, and domestic skills
  • Guided leisure time
  • Behavioural management
  • Community access
  • Vocational support and training.

The people we support are actively involved in reviewing their progress against agreed outcomes, and we promote the involvement of families in the rehabilitation process. Home leave is encouraged wherever possible.

Becoming more independent

In addition to the main centre, there is a transitional living flat and a four-bedroom step-down Heather Bungalow where people can strengthen their skills before moving onto a more independent environment.

Access to the wider community forms an important part of rehabilitation. Located just two miles from Glasgow’s vibrant city centre with its wealth of cultural and leisure activities, Graham Anderson House is ideally placed for social integration and offers opportunities for education, training, and work placements.

Who we support

We specialise in the rehabilitation of people who are experiencing behavioural disorders following an acquired brain injury. We can take referrals for people detained under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003.

Individuals may also have any or a combination of the following:

  • Severe verbal and / or physical aggression
  • Neuropsychiatric symptoms
  • Impaired social functioning
  • Disinhibited and / or challenging behaviours
  • Pre-existing mental ill health
  • Substance misuse problems and high-risk profiles
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