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Why Michelle volunteers

The joy of giving back

Michelle a volunteer at Brainkind

Stagenhoe Park is a neurological centre in Hertfordshire. The expert team provides specialist neurological rehabilitation care and support to people after an acquired brain injury

We also support and care for people with other neurological conditions, such as Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis. Staff encourage the involvement of families and volunteers and seek to involve the people we support in as many decisions as possible.

Local hairdresser Michelle Bailey, who runs her own salon, Fringeline, in Kimpton, volunteers at Stagenhoe. We asked her why and what she got out of it.

Why Michelle volunteers

For the past 33 years, Michelle has enjoyed seeing clients leave her salon with a spring in their step after having their hair cut. She says this is more than just feeling good about having a new style, colour, or even just a trim. She thinks her clients enjoy chatting and the social side of having their hair cut.

She says, ‘Chatting to people is part of the job of being a hairdresser and a big part of my day.’

Michelle grew up in the area and is well aware of the village’s strong community spirit. She is a firm part of it. She volunteers for the Royal

British Legion’s annual Poppy Appeal and has styled the hair of local May queens for many years. As Michelle says:

I think that amazing community spirit just rubs off on you

Why Brainkind

Last year, Michelle saw an advertisement for a volunteer hairdresser to visit Stagenhoe, and she immediately responded.

Once she visited, she realised that many people we support have mobility difficulties and would be unable to visit a hair salon. Some are restricted to their beds. She immediately decided to volunteer, realising she could bring some of the feel-good factor people get from having their hair done.

Michelle visits Stagenhoe once a month on a Tuesday and says she enjoys it as much as her new clients enjoy having their hair cut and chatting with her. It is a win-win situation.

Michelle says,

I feel appreciated. It’s such a bright, jolly place to be, and I feel like I’ve given them a boost. One resident told me recently: You bring the outside in. I just think it’s nice to give back. I am very much of the opinion that if you can help, you do.

Joanne Reilly, Head of Volunteering at Brainkind believes volunteers are invaluable.

It is truly remarkable to see the positive impact that volunteers like Michelle have on our services. They make a difference in the lives of the individuals we support, many of whom may otherwise feel isolated and lonely.

Every volunteer contributes so much, regardless of how much time they can commit, and we can’t thank them enough for the time they donate to help others. Thank you!.

To learn about our volunteering at Brainkind click here.

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